True Self Personal Workshops Help You Become Your Best Self

Discover Your True Journey

Have you ever wondered what your true self is trying to tell you? In True Self Personal Workshops, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, align with your purpose, and become your best self. Addison works with you to uncover the knowledge and insights you need to answer questions about yourself, provide personal empowerment, and discover your true journey. This is a personal workshop for you.

True Self Personal Workshops are three one-hour sessions, $899.99 (25% off of regularly priced one-hour sessions). If you would like to get started, and have some questions, please schedule a 15-minute free Discovery Call with Addison.

Jeanne, Business Development, New York, New York

“I have worked with Addison for more than two years now, and have found him to be very supportive in discovering my true self. I feel like I have a better sense of direction and purpose in life. He has helped me through many of my major life decisions, and I am grateful for his help and guidance. I highly recommend him and his work.”

More On True Self Work

What is the true self?

Your true self is your best self. Your true self is the essence of you. The core idea of you. The one that knows. It knows you better than anyone and is your best guide. The concept of the true self has been around since ancient Greek times and is now being understood more fully. You can understand yourself in true form.

What is true self work?

Discover more about yourself through true self work. Your true self is your essence. It has all of your information and definition. It also provides waypoints on your journey so that you can fulfill your life’s purpose and mission. You may be able to find out more about relationships, life’s rhythm and tempo, career, abundance, personal fulfillment, happiness, and more. True self work will help you to understand key details of yourself so that you can live your best life.

What is true self alignment?

When you achieve true self alignment, you are confidently on your life path. You are your best self. Your true self inherently knows what you need to do and accomplish, while we as people are constantly trying to figure it out. As humans, we may struggle to figure out our purpose, but with true self alignment, you can merge your personal challenge and your true self’s innate knowledge to confidently move forward.

What are the benefits of true self work?

Engaging in true self work can offer numerous benefits such as a greater sense of self, sharpened clarity, expanded personal freedoms, a more fulfilling life experience, stronger relationships with oneself and others, and enriched self-discovery. This transformative experience can be both rewarding and enlightening.

Will I enjoy True Self Personal Workshops?

Yes. True Self Workshops offer a wonderful opportunity to spend time with you. It is a luxury to be able to focus on yourself and your goals so that you can become your best self. These workshops are highly interactive and insightful. You will leave with a greater sense of self and how you fit into the overall picture of life.

How do I prepare for true self work?

Before your sessions, take some time to reflect on what you want to learn about your life's mission and purpose. If you have important life decisions to make, this is a good opportunity to discuss them. Write down any questions you have on these topics and bring them with you to your first session.

Addison Ames

Addison Ames On True Self Work

“I appreciate true self work because I’ve seen it transform so many people’s lives. Getting to know yourself, why you are here, and what you are here to do is really the essence of true self work. You may be able to find out more about mission and purpose, relationships, life’s rhythm and tempo, career, abundance, personal fulfillment, happiness, and more. Knowing yourself can empower you to be in true form.”