Legal and Medical Disclaimers

Addison Ames does not hold any licensure, is not a relationship or financial counselor or advisor, medical or psychiatric professional, hypnotherapist, therapist, registered dietitian - or anything related - and does not claim to be, provide any related or professional services, advice or counseling of any sort. I understand that any services Addison Ames offers are not a substitute for anything - including medical, psychiatric, or any other treatment or medications or anything related. Addison does not heal and does not claim to be a healer. Healing may or may not take place. I am aware that no diagnoses are given and nothing is prescribed. Those who choose to work with Addison Ames must already have a successful healthcare and/or mental health and/or other care program and/or any other needed professional support in place. All interactions with Addison Ames are not directive in any way. Those who work with Addison Ames must be in a responsible and healthy state of being and be an informed player.

This website is operated by a third party. This website and all of its content and services by Addison Ames are all for entertainment purposes only. Please note this. This website and all of its content and services are not directive in any way. This website and services contained thereon are not substitutes for the advice, diagnosis or treatment of a licensed healthcare professional of any and all kinds. Not all services are suited for everyone. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional, psychiatric, or medical advice you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist, such as a licensed psychologist, physician, or other healthcare professional. Never disregard the medical advice of a psychologist, physician or other health professional or delay in seeking such advice because of the information offered or provided within or service offered through this website.

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